Podcast WordPress Theme

Sonaar Music have have recently launched a very nice Podcast WordPress theme called Podcastr. Sonaar is known as is a leader in making the best WordPress Music themes, no doubt about it. If you are looking for one of the best WordPress theme for podcasting, keep reading.


Podcast WordPress theme by Sonaar

Podcasts are not just a trend, its a powerful channel of communication. In 2018, 44% of US population has listened to a podcast and this number keeps growing day by day. it’s probably because starting your own podcast show is easy and very accessible. All you need is a microphone and great content. It’s also a great medium to gain new followers and audience. Once you have recorded your first episode, you will need to host it somewhere and most importantly, promote it the best you can! WordPress is the most popular CMS in the world and is used by millions of bloggers. What about Podcasters? Sonaar has crafted a new WordPress theme for Podcasters and it is outstanding.

The theme is one of the most flexible templates you will find on the podcast market. With Podcasting in mind, they have made their WordPress Podcast theme very easy to work with and super intuitive. It’s so flexible that no matter the subject of your podcast show, your podcast website will look great and professional.

A professional Podcast WordPress theme for everyone

Podcasting with this WordPress theme is easy. It provides all the assets needed to design a good podcast website. One of the advantages of using a WordPress theme for podcasting is that you are in control on everything and you own all the assets. You can host yourself your audio file directly on your WordPress hosting, as well as use third-party publisher and platforms to host your files. With Podcastr, you can upload, publish and distribute your episodes without leaving your WordPress dashboard. It’s very complete and turn-key solution.

Here’s a sneak peek of the most important features:

  • You can let the theme generate a RSS feed for you
  • You will be able to automatically import your episode from another hosting to get started
  • You can synchronize your podcast with a third-party platforms.
  • There is an option to host yourself your audio files.
  • There is also an option to keep your podcast files on your existing server (eg: Libsyn, Stitcher, etc..) and have everything synchronized with your Podcast WordPress Theme.
  • The custom Podcast audio player has a continuous audio playback with a live spectro graph.
  • You could design a single podcast show website or literally create a podcast network website!
  • You can create a multilingual podcast website by using WPMLThe theme is translation-ready.
  • WPBakery Page Builder (a competitor to Elementator Page Builder) is included for free

One of the outstanding feature of this Podcast WordPress theme is that you have the ability to move your podcast from Libsyn, Blubrry, SoundCloud or any other podcast platform directly on your WordPress website. All your existing episodes can be transfered to your wordpress hosting account with a simple click. You can import your RSS feed in WordPress and the theme will import everything for you. If you are interested by keeping your files on your existing host, you have also this option!

That said, this Podcast WordPress theme has everything you need to build and promote your podcast show the way you want. To learn more about this podcast template, check out https://sonaar.io